Key Stage 2 Author Visit
We had the absolute pleasure to welcome the terrific Matt Brown into school on Thursday!
We had the absolute pleasure to welcome the terrific Matt Brown into school on Thursday!
Help enhance your child's spelling skills and help them ace those subject key words.
Check out the video created by the culture committee as part of the Black History Month celebrations, where students and staff were asked 'What is the favourite part of your culture?'...
We were overwhelmed by the quality of entries into our Year 7 postcard competition; such a lot of thought and time had been put into students' work.
On Monday 09 October Aylesbury Vale Academy welcomed Jamie Denyer - The SpeaKing - in to deliver a workshop to our Year 9, 10 and 11 students.
PiXL Endurance is a strategy designed to help students develop exam-related stamina and resilience in the period before they take their exams.
Thank you to the Year 11 students and families who were able to attend the Getting the Grade evening last week.
As part of their personal development programme, Year 12 students enjoyed a visit to Road Farm Countryways this week.
Can you help us create a world of opportunities and inspiration for our students!
Students aged 13 to 18 are invited to take part in a series of interactive online careers events hosted by
We would just like to say a huge well done and thank you as this week has seen our best weekly attendance so far this academic year!
Years 1 and 2 welcomed author Paula Harrison into school on Thursday.