Day trip to Level Up Outdoors - Friday 22 September 2023

Year 10 and 11 students have been given the exciting opportunity to take part in a day trip to Level Up Outdoors in Marlow.
Students will learn about a range, of leadership, communication, confidence and problem-solving skills through a variety of adventurous activities.
Specifically, the activities they will be participating in are archery, Jacob’s Ladder, Raft Building and Canoeing.
The trip is on Friday 22 September at Level Up Outdoors, Marlow. We will be leaving school at 8.30am and will arrive back at approximately 4pm. We ask for a voluntary contribution of £40.00 and payment can be via ParentPay by Friday 15 September.
Please also complete the medical form via this link: here to secure a place on the trip. Places will be issued on a first come, first served basis.
School trips are a privilege, and the success of these trips is very much dependent upon the continuing excellent behaviour of our students. As a result, we reserve the right to refuse a student a place on a trip or to withdraw a student at any time from a trip as a result of poor behaviour. This will result in any payments made being forfeited.
If you have any questions, please contact Mrs Leach on