The Empowerment Project for Young Males

Mentoring, Coaching and Positive Activities
Community Youth Ventures in partnership with the ‘Saving Lives Fund’ - a charitable fund held and managed by Heart of Bucks and Buckinghamshire Council’ would like to offer young people in Chesham, Aylesbury, and High Wycombe the opportunity to attend the Empowerment Project, a project for young males between the ages of 11-18.
Each young person attending the programme will have access to:
- One to one mentoring and coaching
- Weekly activities involving sports, healthy living, music production, cooking, life skills and social events.
- Positive activities in the school holidays which include a summer residential and days out
- Signposting to other services
- Preventative workshops on staying safe, personal safety, managing emotions and anger, reducing negative behaviours, relationships, exploitation, and reframing the mind.
What makes The Empowerment Project unique is that we use different methods of youth work, from detached, outreach, youth club sessions, school-based education and one to one support.
All services are free of charge.
If you know a young person that would benefit from this intervention please email and one of the team will get back to you.