Sixth Form Buckinghamshire New University Taster Day

The 6th form was invited to attend Bucks New University for a taster day on the 22nd of Feb 2023.
It was a very positive experience with many takeaways. This is the feedback from our students:
Mohammad Bilal (Business Studies) Year 13
I quite enjoyed the activities that we did as all of us in the business lecture had to create and present our own idea of a soft drink. We all split off into 4 groups and created our own soft drink and company for it. After the lectures then introduced us to some of the business related courses and possible pathways after gaining the degree. I found it really useful as we worked on teamwork and team building skills whilst learning more about the courses on offer from a lecturer’s viewpoint.
Alex Mangoyan (Media Studies) Year 12
I have to say that I am glad we were brought there at the university, as it was an introduction to how universities look, and function. However, I strongly believe that this specific university is not for me. I did not like the campus, I found it a bit too simplistic for a university, and I did not really like the facilities. I liked the experience and the knowledge shared, but not the university itself. This trip helped me have a good understanding of how universities work, and what to and not to look at when looking for a university.
Naila Kabir (Health and Social Care) Year 12
During our time at the BNU, we took part in a session regarding operations and CPR. We were given operation equipment and were asked to name each one and state what they are used for. This developed our knowledge on different types of equipment that are used on different parts of the body for various purposes. We also then went through the procedures of when a surgery takes place and all the health professionals involved. Another activity we took part in was practising CPR on a mannequin to prepare us for any emergencies. The teacher was talking us through all the importance of care when dealing with a patient. We were also informed about all the courses they offered the benefits alongside. it was helpful to have an insight of the campus and all the different experiences we will have. This was a good experience for us because it helped us make a decision as to whether university is the right choice for us and what subjects intrigue us the most. The students and teachers were so welcoming and helpful to answering any questions we had.