Sports update w/e 24th November 2023

This week in PE we saw the continuation of fixtures, with Football and Netball matches being played here at AVA.
Football teams across the years played against The Buckingham School, with Year 7 involved in a thrilling 5-5 draw, Year 8 also finishing all square at 1-1, and Year 9 losing 4-1 despite showing great resilience.
In netball, Years 8 and 9 took on The Grange School, with Year 8 winning 8-6 and year 9 losing 9-14. Well done to everyone involved.
Thursday's netball fixtures saw Years 7 and 10 take on Cottesloe School, with Year 7 winning 6-3 and year 9 losing 22-1.
The PE department wishes to thank all students involved in the fixtures played this week, representing our school in a respectful manner.
Next week will see the start of the Basketball fixtures, so good luck to everyone involved.