

» Latest Updates
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» The Bronze Award
» DofE Awards - A Students Perspective
» Bronze Kit List and Hire
» Student Testimonials 

'I believe in myself. DofE has made me develop the attitude of not giving up, setting a goal and working to achieve it’.

Latest Updates

Key Dates

Students in Year 9, Year 10, and Sixth Form will have their Duke of Edinburgh (DofE) Assembly on Friday, 18th October. Following the assembly, we will begin enroling students into the AVA Duke of Edinburgh Scheme, marking the start of this exciting journey.

Pre-Assembly Webinars for Parents and Carers

Before the assembly, parents and carers are encouraged to attend the DofE information sessions via webinars provided on the DofE website. These sessions are designed to help parents and carers understand how to best support students as they participate in the program. You can find more details and access the webinars here.

Upcoming Expedition Dates

While we're still finalising the dates for our expeditions, we are pleased to confirm that a practice walk and camp-out, including essential tent and cooking skills, will be held in April. The official expeditions for both practice and qualifying rounds are scheduled for May, June, and July.

  • Bronze Expedition (Year 9): 2 days and 1 night
  • Silver Expedition (Year 10 and above): 3 days and 2 nights

Costs and Enrolment

  • Enrolment: £30
  • Bronze Expedition: £42
  • Silver Expedition: £62

We are also exploring the possibility of starting a **Gold Award** in the near future, so stay tuned for more updates on this.

If you have any questions or require further information, please do not hesitate to reach out to us at

We look forward to seeing our students take on this exciting challenge!


Duke Edinburgh Manager - Mrs Crumpton:


The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award is a voluntary, non-competitive programme giving young people the opportunity to experience new activities and develop existing skills. The Award is widely recognised within the education system and by future prospective employers. Its balanced programme of activities support the individual’s personal and social development and encourages them to take part in exciting, challenging and enjoyable things in their free time. Some of the benefits to students undertaking the Award are:

  • A sense of identity; increased self-belief and self-confidence
  • Enjoyment and building positive team focussed relationships
  • New skills, talents and abilities
  • Exciting opportunities
  • A sense of achievement; the DofE Award is achievable by all
  • Independence; planning, problem solving, leading

‘It made me happy trying a lot of new things and making other people happy, especially with my volunteering section’.

Structure of the Bronze Award

There are three levels to the DofE Award (Bronze, Silver and Gold). Students in Year 9 who have chosen to participate this year will complete the Bronze Award for which there are 4 sections:

Section Requirements
Volunteering – undertaking service to individuals or the community 3 months, 1 hour per week minimum*
Physical – improving in an area of sport, dance or fitness activities 3 months, 1 hour per week minimum*
Skills – developing practical and social skills and personal interests

3 months, 1 hour per week minimum*

Expedition – planning, training for and completion of an adventurous journey

Practice: 1 day/1 night                          Qualifying: 2 days/1 night

*Students will also have to complete an additional 3 months in one of these sections.

Students will be responsible for planning their own programme of activities which can include attending enrichment activities and/or after-school clubs or groups, both within the Academy or elsewhere. There will be support provided by staff within the Academy to mentor, advise and guide students through the programme. The fourth section, the expedition, will be arranged by fully qualified members of staff and appropriate training will be provided.

‘Doing the DofE has helped me in my interviews for further education, the college that I applied for were really impressed with my achievements’.

Student Testimonials

Quotes from students who have completed their Bronze DofE Award:

‘Doing the DofE has helped me in my interviews for further education, the college that I applied for were really impressed with my achievements’.

‘I believe in myself. DofE has made me develop the attitude of not giving up, setting a goal and working to achieve it’.

‘It made me happy trying a lot of new things and making other people happy, especially with my volunteering section’.

Bronze Kit List and Hire

Click here for a shortened version of the official DofE kit list of items to take on expedition which is appropriate for the Bronze Award.

For the full kit list which covers all levels go to