

What should I do if my child is going to be ill/off school?

Call the Secondary school on 01296 428551 and select ‘Option 1’ to record a student absence.

The school does not allow students to take holidays during term time.

Who do I talk to to discuss my child's progress in a particular subject?

Parents should contact their child’s teacher for the specific subject concerned.  If you don’t know the name of his/her teacher, ask to speak to the Curriculum Leader.

Who do I talk to to discuss my child's progress in more than one subject?

In this case, parents of secondary students should contact their child’s form tutor.  Your child’s form tutor will be able to speak to your child’s teachers for an update on their progress.

What are the term dates for this year?

For all term dates click on the Term Dates section click here.

What is the SECONDARY uniform CODE?

The secondary uniform is:

  • Navy blazer with college coloured logo and college coloured lining
  • Grey sleeveless v-neck sweater with college coloured logo and neck trim
  • College coloured tie
  • Plain white shirt*
  • Black skirt – knee length*
  • Black smart trousers*
  • Black shoes*

Purchase separately

PE Uniform

  • Navy sports polo with Aylesbury Vale Academy logo
  • AVA or plain navy tracksuit bottoms/navy shorts/navy skorts
  • AVA or plain navy rain jacket/jumper/fleece
  • Suitable trainers

Further details on the Academy uniform can be found here.

Where can I get new school uniform?

Uniform can be purchased at:

PL Schoolwear
Tel: 01296 488000

Call to order or order online here.

For more information, visit our uniform page here.

What do I do if my child is missing an item of uniform?

Speak to your child's class teacher and write a note in your child’s planner giving the reason.  Replace the item as soon as possible. If you need to purchase items of uniform, contact the uniform supplier here.

What is the school's behaviour policy?

Please follow the link here to access the school’s behaviour policy.

Mobile Phones, Earphones and other Electronic Devices

Mobile phones and other electronic devices are not permitted to be used while students are on Academy grounds. We appreciate some parents may require their child to carry a phone for safety reasons, for example if they walk to and from school, but these must be switched off and placed in their bag. Mobile phones and electronic devices seen or heard (whether in use or not) will be confiscated. Earphones are not permitted to be used at any time on Academy grounds, all earphones seen on Academy grounds (whether in use or not) will be confiscated. Parents/carers will be required to collect confiscated items from the Academy’s main reception.

We ask that students who bring mobile phones to school and wish to contact parents during the school day due to illness, first seek attention from the Medical Officer, so we can ensure they receive appropriate care.

Who do I talk to if I'm worried about bullying?

In the first instance, you should contact your child’s form tutor.

What time does school start and end?

The secondary day starts at 8:30 am and finishes at 3:00pm (Years 7 -9); 4.00pm (Years 10/11).

In the Secondary phase, break time is from 11:00 to 11:20am and lunchtime is from 13:25 to 13:55.

How long are lessons?

There are five lessons in the secondary day (Years 7 -9)

  • Lessons 1, 2, 3 are 65 minutes long.
  • Lessons 4 and 5 are 60 minutes long.

There are six lessons in the secondary day (Years 10 & 11)

  • Lessons 1, 2, 3 and 5 are 65 minutes long
  • Lessons 4 is 60 minutes long.
  • Lesson 6 is 55 minutes long.

What time can students arrive at school?

For secondary school students, the doors to the student entrance open from 7:30 am. Students can gather in the Atrium from this time onwards.

How do students pay for food?/How does the cashless payment system work?

The Academy Secondary school uses the cashless payment system ParentPay for school meals and food in the Academy Dining Hall at break and lunch times. When a student purchases food in the dining hall they use a biometric till system to record their purchase which is then deducted from the balance of money placed on the ParentPay account.  Any queries regarding ParentPay call the Academy on 01296 428551 and leaving details of the query with Reception.  Alternatively you can email a query to

To log on to ParentPay, go to

When a student first starts at the Academy, their parents are given an account their respective cashless payment systems.

What food is provided?

School meals are provided by the Academy’s catering supplier, Harrison Catering Services, who are a widely-used catering provider particularly successful in schools in providing food which is healthy but appealing to students and which is prepared on site by the catering team.

Secondary students have a choice of a wide-range of savoury snacks at break-time and lunch as well as a main meal and dessert.  For those students on Free School Meals, pricing is set such that they are able to spend their allowance of £2.50 on a main meal and dessert or drink.

How can I apply for free school meals?

Application forms for Free School Meals can be obtained from the main Academy reception, or you can download an electronic copy here.

What trips are there?

The school runs a range of trips throughout the year. Further details on planned trips can be found by clicking on the link to the school’s calendar here.

What after school clubs are there?

The school runs a variety of after school clubs and activities. To access the Secondary school 'After School Club Timetable', please click here.

What library facilities do you have?

The secondary library is located within the Academy’s Learning Resource Centre and is staffed by a qualified librarian.

We currently have in the region of 15,000 books on our shelves of which approximately two thirds are fiction and the remaining third non-fiction.

The fiction titles are colour coded to enable students to easily find their preferred genres and we have a dedicated section for students with special educational needs. Similarly the non-fiction titles are grouped by subject with a shelf index to direct students to their required topic.

In addition to the books the LRC contains teaching space for up to 60 students and 15 networked computers which offer electronic resources such as My Maths, BBC Bitesize and other educational software and this is constantly being developed. Students have instant access to the academy intranet, restricted internet access for research purposes and an online library catalogue – which enables students to request, reserve and review resources including physical and e-books, recommended websites, periodicals and other materials. Students, staff and parents are able to remotely access library resources through a free app –  iMLS  available for download at

What is the school's homework policy?

The secondary phase utilises MS Teams for homework. MS Teams is part of the AVA Microsoft Office 365 suite, a Microsoft digital platform utilised by students and staff for communication and collaboration.

Teachers need to be aware of homework set by other teachers, so students don't get overloaded. Students need to be clear of their homework requirements and deadlines and parents should be involved in the homework process so they have some idea about what their children are expected to do.

  • Years 7 and 8 - 45 minutes to 1 hour 30 minutes per day. Students will have set weekly homework for English, Maths, Science and Design & Technology. Other subjects will set homework weekly or fortnightly on different days so as not clash with the above subjects.
  • Year 9 - 1 to 2 hours per day. Students will have set weekly homework for English, Maths, Science and Design & Technology. Other subjects will set homework weekly or fortnightly on different days so as not clash with the above subjects.
  • Years 10 and 11 - 1 hour 30 minutes to 2 hours 30 minutes per day. Students normally are set two pieces of homework every evening, each lasting approximately 45 minutes. Please note that homework will increase in frequency and duration when GCSE coursework is due and exams approach. Students will have two pieces of homework per week from English, Science and Mathematics and one from each option.

What subjects do you offer?

The Aylesbury Vale Academy offers its students a broad and balanced curriculum.

  • Key Stage 3

    During the Academic Years 7 – 9, all students access courses in English, Mathematics, Science, Art, Design and Technology, Drama, Geography, History, Modern Foreign Languages, Music, Physical Education and Religious Studies. Personal Health and Social Education, Information and Communication Technology and Citizenship are taught across the curriculum.
  • Key Stage 4

    In years 10 and 11 students have an element of choice which allows them to personalise their Key Stage 4 Curriculum.
    • English, Maths and Science along with core PE and RS are compulsory subjects for all students. The remainder of each timetable is composed of three Option Subjects *1 and two choices from the English Baccalaureate groups *2.
    • Most students will achieve a minimum of eight GCSE or equivalent qualifications.
    • *1 - Art and Design, ICT, Music, Electronics, Graphics, Sport, Media, Textiles, Business, PE, Religious Studies.
    • *2 - Additional Sciences, Geography, History, Modern Foreign Languages, Computer Science.
  • Key Stage 5 - Post 16

    Students can choose from a range of BTEC Level 3 courses (equivalent to 3 A-levels). Courses on offer include Creative Digital Media, Health and Social Care, Applied Science, Sport, Business and IT. Maths A'Level is also available. 

To find out more about the school's curriculum click here.

Who do I speak to if my contact details change?

Contact the relevant secondary Pastoral Support team member - click here for the contact details via our Academy staff list.

When parents' evenings?

Click here for parent evening dates.

What career guidance is there for my child?

All students are supported with advice relevant to their age group.

Year 8s start with exploring the variety of careers available and the world of work through PSHCE.  Year 9 build on this with Careers program and advice from Connexions, form tutors and subject teachers amongst others to help them choose the most appropriate subjects and pathways for KS4. 

Throughout KS4 there are opportunities to explore the world of work and continuing education through a Careers day, along with visits from local universities and support and guidance from staff in school and further Connexions advice to ensure students are well-equipped to choose their next destination. 

Careers advice is built in to the fortnightly tutorial programme throughout Year 12 and 13, with regular input from local universities, businesses and along with several tailored support programmes targeted at those looking for apprenticeships and work, or university placements. 

For further information please refer to our Careers page here.

Who do I speak to if I want to arrange a meeting with the principal or primary headteacher?

Please contact the Secondary schools principal's via

How can I book one of the school's facilities?

Aylesbury Vale Academy sports facilities are available to hire to local groups through the Academy Lettings Manager. For more information please call us on 01296 428551 or email

How can my child purchase a locker?

In the secondary school, students are now able to have a locker, for further information please contact