

There are many ways student successes are celebrated at the Academy.


Our core values respect, aspiration and resilience, underpin both our assemblies and our Thought for the Week.  Our assemblies are mostly delivered by the Achievement Director from each year group, but there is also the opportunity to celebrate enrichment and achievement within a College assembly, where students from different year groups who are members of the same college come together.  Speakers may be invited into assemblies where it is felt to be appropriate or the students themselves also lead assemblies.

Student achievement and progress are celebrated at half-term assemblies when certificates and awards are presented by the Achievement Directors.

Awards are also formalised at Awards Evening once a term in which parents and carers are invited to celebrate the success of the students identified by their subject teachers and Achievement Directors for their effort and achievement during the previous term.  Students who win these awards are presented with a certificate and congratulated by the Curriculum Leader, or Achievement Director for which they have achieved the award.  The Principal's Award goes to a student who has shown exceptional talent across the curriculum and is presented by the Principal.

Thought for the Week is delivered within the tutor group by the form tutor, to enable reflection around a key message or core value.  These resources encourage students to develop their own points of view and to discuss and reflect on their thoughts and opinions in an inclusive and respectful environment.  Thought for the Week will be for all students in all year groups.