Uniform Policy
Parents can find the Academy's Uniform Policy on our policies page here.
The Academy Uniform
Main Uniform:
- Navy blazer with the Academy logo
- Academy logo tie
- Plain white shirt or plain white cotton kameez
- Black trousers or black skirt (skirts must be no more than 5cm above the knee and not be tight fitting; trousers can be tailored but cannot be tight fitting).
- Black leather or leather look shoes of sensible design with low heels (black trainers, plimsolls and canvas shoes are not permitted).
- Socks or black tights
- Hijab – plain white, black or navy blue cotton
- Optional: Grey v-neck sweater with the Academy logo
PE Uniform
- Navy sports polo shirt with the Academy logo (name embroidered is optional).
- Navy shorts/skorts with the Academy logo (name embroidered is optional).
- Light blue sports socks or suitable sports socks
- Trainers/Black plimsolls as required
- Football/external footwear as required
- Optional: Plain Navy/Black tracksuit bottoms
- Optional: Navy ¼ zip top sweatshirt with the Academy logo (name embroidered is optional).
- Optional: Outdoor waterproof jacket with Academy logo.
The following are not permitted:
- Piercings – students are permitted one small discrete stud in each ear. One small discrete nose stud is permitted. Hoops are not permitted. Students will be asked to remove extra piercings in school.
- Acrylic or false nails. Only clear nail polish is permitted. Students will be asked to remove nail polish and false nails in school.
- Bandanas, hats or headbands around the forehead. Hair ties and hair bands should be in school colours of blue or green.
- No extremes of hair colour or style. Only naturally occurring hair colours are allowed.
- Any form of leggings or jeans.
- Sweatshirts, hoodies and coats must be removed inside the building. These will be confiscated if worn inside the building.
- Necklaces must be inside the clothing and other jewellery such as rings and bracelets should be minimal for health a safety reasons.
- A single chain, bracelet, watch and ring are permitted.
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Optional Year 9-11 Health & Fitness, GCSE PE BTEC Sports Students only.
Climacool T-Shirt Blue: Year 9-11 GCSE PE students only
Climacool T-Shirt Green: Year 12-13 BTEC Sport students only
Climacool T-Shirt Red: Year 9-11 Health and Fitness students only
Additional Information
SIxth Form students will be required to wear business wear. Male students will be expected to wear ties.
Please be aware there will be no compromise on the uniform. Ties are to be worn at all times and if any item of clothing is incorrect, children will be sent home to get the correct item. Parents/carers are asked for their unwavering support in transforming standards at every level.
Summer Uniform
Summer uniform remains the same as winter.
How to Order Uniform
Uniform can be purchased at:
PL School Wear
Call to order.
Bundle deals available.
We welcome the opportunity to receive back any items that you feel can be donated to families.
Student Equipment
Every student is expected to provide the following basic items of equipment for every lesson:
- Black or blue ball point pen (and a spare!)
- Pencil
- Pencil eraser
- Pencil sharpener
- Coloured pencils/Fine fibre tips
- Pair of compasses
- Scientific calculator
- Ruler 12”/30 cm
- Protractor
- Set square
- Student Planner
- Rough notebook/Jotter
- Appropriate Academy bag (big enough to hold P.E. kit and Academy books)
Tippex/Liquid paper is not allowed in the Academy and must not be used on any Academy work.
In Food Technology students are expected to provide ingredients and materials from home if they intend to keep their finished products.
Text books and specialised equipment may be issued on loan and students will be required to pay for any loss or damage to Academy property.
Any student found with inappropriate equipment may have it removed and parents / carers will be required to make an appointment with a staff member to arrange collection.