

What should I do if my child is going to be ill/off school?

Call the Primary school on 01296 674263 and select ‘Option 2’ to record a student absence.

Who do I talk to to discuss my child's progress in a particular subject?

For primary pupils, parents should contact  their class teacher in the first instance.

What are the term dates for this year?

For all term dates click on the Term Dates section click here.

What is the uniform code

  • Black trousers, skirt or pinafore (available from high street shops and supermarkets)
  • Navy sweater or cardigan, branded with the Academy logo and from our uniform supplier
  • White polo-shirt (available from our uniform supplier with the Academy logo).
  • Black school shoes (no sandals please) with grey, black or white socks
  • Navy blue gingham Summer dress (not light blue)
  • Optional Navy blue Winter coat
  • Navy blue book bags, PE bags and Summer hats (available from our uniform supplier with the Academy logo)
  • PE kit consisting of PE T-Shirt with the Academy logo, navy blue shorts or tracksuit bottoms and a navy blue sweatshirt or fleece (all available from our uniform supplier with the Academy logo)

Where can I get new school uniform?

Uniform can be purchased at:

PL Schoolwear

Call to order or order online here.

For more information, visit our uniform page here.

What do I do if my child is missing an item of uniform?

Speak to your child's class teacher or write a note in your child’s planner giving the reason.  Replace the item as soon as possible. If you need to purchase items of uniform, contact the uniform supplier here.

What is the school's behaviour policy?

Please follow the link here to access the school’s behaviour policy.

Mobile Phones, Earphones and other Electronic Devices

Mobile phones and other electronic devices are not permitted to be used while students are on Academy grounds. We appreciate some parents may require their child to carry a phone for safety reasons, for example if they walk to and from school, but these must be switched off and placed in their bag. Mobile phones and electronic devices seen or heard (whether in use or not) will be confiscated. Earphones are not permitted to be used at any time on Academy grounds, all earphones seen on Academy grounds (whether in use or not) will be confiscated. Parents/carers will be required to collect confiscated items from the Academy’s main reception.

We ask that students who bring mobile phones to school and wish to contact parents during the school day due to illness, first seek attention from the Medical Officer so we can ensure they receive appropriate care.

Who do I talk to if I'm worried about bullying?

In the first instance contact your child’s class teacher.

What time does school start and end?

In the primary, preschool sessions run from 8:40 to 11:40am and 12:20 to 3:20pm.  Pupils in Reception attend from 8:50am to 3:00pm.  Pupils in Key Stage 1 begin school at 8:50am and those in Key Stage 2 at 8:40am.  All pupils in Key Stage 1 finish at 3:10pm.

What time can students arrive at school?

Primary pupils arrive at school via the black gates into the main playground which is opened at 8:30am. Children are to go straight to class where they will be met by the teacher for a morning challenge, with the exception of Nursery and Reception who can be taken to class by parents/carers. 

How do students pay for food?/How does the cashless payment system work?

The Academy Primary school uses the cashless payment system 'School Gateway' for hot meals, wrap-around care and activities etc. For further information click here.

What food is provided?

School meals are provided by the Academy’s catering supplier, Harrison Catering Service who are a widely-used catering provider  particularly successful in schools in providing food which is healthy but appealing to students and which is prepared on site by the catering team.

School meals are provided free to all pupils in Reception to Year 2, as part of the government's universal free school meals initiative.  Those who are eligible for Free School Meals are also provided with a meal free of charge from Year 3 upwards.   Other pupils in Year 3 upwards can order a meal for £2.30 per day.

All Primary meal bookings must be made 2 working days in advance via the School Gateway app (further information here).

How can I apply for free school meals?

Application forms for Free School Meals can be obtained from the main Academy reception or Primary school office or you can download an electronic copy here

What trips are there?

The school runs a range of trips throughout the year. Further details on planned trips can be found by clicking on the link to the school’s calendar here.

What library facilities do you have?

In the primary school, pupils have access to a reading scheme and class library areas in each classroom.  There is also a school library containing a range of fiction titles and information books alongside a suite of desktop computers.  

What is the school's homework policy?

In the primary school, pupils take reading books home and are expected to read to an adult or (later in Key Stage 2) to themselves daily.  In addition, pupils in Reception take home phonics sheets when they learn new sounds and are given additional writing tasks in the Summer term; pupils in Key Stage 1 have weekly spellings an open-ended, topic-related, half-termly learning log task and occasional RE, topic or writing tasks; and pupils in Key Stage 2 have weekly spellings to learn, a weekly maths tasks and a more open-ended, weekly topic-related writing task. 

What subjects do you offer?

The Aylesbury Vale Academy offers its students a broad and balanced curriculum.

Early Years Foundation Stage

  • In Starfish, Pre-school and Reception, pupils follow the Early Years Foundation Stage framework; experiencing the 7 areas of learning through largely play-based, child-initiated provision.  Activities are carefully planned to challenge and develop pupils skills, knowledge and understanding, often following their own interests and based on termly or half-termly topics.

Key Stages 1 and 2

  • In Years 1 to 6 pupils have daily English and mathematics lessons.  PE/Games takes place twice each week and  Religious Education and science once a week.  Geography, history, art and design, design technology and music are often drawn together through an over-arching topic.

Who do I speak to if my contact details change?

Contact the Primary School office in the first instance 01296 674263 or email:

When ARE parents' evenings?

Click here for parent evening dates.

Is there someone to help my child with their homework?

Yes. In the primary school, pupils can obtain help and support from their class teacher or learning support assistant.

Who do I speak to if I want to arrange a meeting with the primary headteacher?

Please contact the Primary Office

How can I book one of the school's facilities?

Aylesbury Vale Academy sports facilities are available to hire to local groups through the Academy Lettings Manager. For more information please email or call us on 01296 428551.